Category: Professional
Quoted in the press!
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I’m really happy to note that a couple quotes from me on the ethics of social media use appear in the State Press’ “Harmful entertainment or harmless fun? The consequences…
Tenure and Promotion Thank-yous
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I am thrilled to report that I have received tenure and promotion at Arizona State University! Starting in Fall, I will be an Associate Professor of Technical Communication. I will…
Out and About!
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I was honored to be featured on a recent podcast episode with the Arizona Technology Council‘s AZ TechCast! Along with Renee Yeager and Spencer Lee, I talked about ethical use of AI tools for…
Article Quote
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I was recently asked by Financial Times to weigh in on “Why internet slang is a riddle for bosses,” based on my co-authored work about Gen Z employees. I was…
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It’s always lovely to receive an award that you had no idea was on its way. I am deeply honored to note that this month I received the (ASU) President’s…
Amazon Palm Scanning is Not OK
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In addition to teaching and researching, I maintain a music blog called Independent Clauses that I founded in 2003. Lisa Whealy and I cover instrumental music of all types, jam…
Let’s Break Up Facebook into 16 Parts
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As you can read anywhere on the Internet, Facebook is in trouble. Vice President of Global Affairs Nick Clegg has been on the talk show circuit, saying things. I am…