Category: Books
Books: 2024
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On content: This year I made it my personal quest to read all the books on my to-read shelf or acknowledge that I was not ever going to read them.…
Books of the Year 2022
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My reading habits generally include a wide range of things, but this year I was all over the place. In the non-fiction realm, I intentionally did not read as much…
Books of the Year 2021
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This year I read a wide variety of books. I found a used bookstore near my house that I loved and bought copious (and often unrelated) books from it. The…
General Will 2.0: Rousseau, Freud, Google by Hiroki Azuma
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General Will 2.0: Rousseau, Freud, Google by Hiroki Azuma (orig. 2011, translated from Japanese in 2014). This book promises to reread scholars of social thought (Rousseau, Freud, Rorty, Nozick) in…
Ficciones by Jorge Luis Borges
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I finally read it! I found it deeply compelling. Borges’ intellectual project in this one is to take every idea he is considering to its logical and even illogical extreme…
Books of the Year, 2020
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I usually read somewhere between 20-26 books a year. This year I read 44 (and abandoned halfway three others not mentioned here) because I had some extra time on my…
10 Books (Some) Explanation
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10 Books No Explanation was a fun little Facebook trend. I am vastly in favor of populating Facebook feeds with book covers, so I was happy to oblige. Also, I…
Book Review: You Look Like a Thing and I Love You
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You Look Like a Thing and I Love You: How Artificial Intelligence Works and Why It’s Making the World a Weirder Place by Janelle Shane, author of AI Weirdness blog.…