Category: Teaching
Life After Influencing
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Somehow, I never pushed publish on this thought from April of 2023. It’s still a good thought: I saw a big and important article about life after being an influencer…
A Schema for Social Media Networks
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I’ve been thinking about how social media platforms function recently, and I’ve come up with some notes toward a schematizing idea. So: there are a few aspects of social media…
AI Ethics at Polytechnic Prep, Round 2
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For my last talk of the year, I was once again honored to be invited to one of the classrooms of the ASU Prep Poly STEM High School. These ASU…
AI Ethics!
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For my last talk of the year, I was honored to be invited to the classroom of the ASU Prep Poly Experience. These ASU Prep high school students have been…
Service Learning Project!
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This Spring semester, my students in Social Media in the Workplace had the great opportunity to work with the Arizona Site Steward Program Foundation to redevelop a social media plan…
Online Coverage of a New Class!
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I’m delighted to announce that ASU Now took the time to interview me about the work I’ve been doing in relation to digital ethics and online controversies. I’ve been thinking…
Why Facebook and Twitter Will Never Win at the Content Moderation Game
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I was discussing a Stratechery article on Mark Zuckerberg’s choices regarding moderation/censorship or lack thereof with my friend Chris. I thought that the argument I was making was worth setting…
Crowdsource TPC
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At CPTSC 2019, I discussed ways forward for teachers of social media in technical communication. There are few resources for tech comm social media teachers, and I argued that a…
How YouTube Could Eat Cable (Maybe, In the Future)
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While talking about YouTube in my Social Media for the Workplace class, a student asked if YouTube would someday eat cable. I decided to answer this intriguing question by nabbing…