Out and About: April-May 2024

I’ve had a lot of opportunities to get out and talk to various communities recently!

Following the Insights in Innovation event I did with Changemaker @ASU, I was invited to talk at Changemaker’s Leadership Luncheon on April 17. I spoke about the development of my career and what choices brought me to my current position. It was great to go back through my early career and offer some lessons from the professional struggles of my late teens and early 20s. Thanks to Changemaker for inviting me!

On April 23, I participated in the AZ Tech Council’s Virtual Tech Speaker Series. The topic was “Update on AI Developments,” and I was happy to share the digital stage with John Choate and Amol Ajgaonkar to talk about all that has happened in the last six months in AI. (It’s a lot!) Thanks to David Bolman for inviting me to speak.

A couple weeks later on May 8, I was honored to talk to an international audience of business communication teachers as part of the ABC Western Regional Virtual Workshop on AI and Emerging Technology. My talk was called “Engagement Tools for Online Students: Beyond Recorded Lectures and Discussion Boards,” and I was able to introduce some new tools to folks! It was a great time. Thanks to Scott and Ann Springer for inviting me!

Some less time-dated things have arrived as well: I was invited to be a guest on the Thank God for Nostr podcast, which is about developing the Nostr social media platform with a Christian ethic in mind. I got to talk about big-picture digital ethics in social media platform development, which is something I don’t get to do often. It was a blast! The episode is available here. Thanks to hodlbod for having me on the episode!

I also contributed to Hustle PHX’s content creation! The entrepreneurship education organization invited me to come talk about managing partnerships for entrepreneurs, and I was happy to contribute. There will be a couple different videos built from the content, and the first is here. Thanks to Hustle PHX for giving me the opportunity to share!