New pubs!

I’m very excited to announce two new publications that have recently arrived!

The first is “The Potentials and Pitfalls of Computer Visioning and Machine Learning Methods for Communication Researchers,” co-authored with Claire Lauer and Eric Nystrom. This SIGDOC ’23 proceedings paper outlines a multi-year process that we went through to employ machine visioning software on a corpus of Kickstarter images. Spoilers: there were some pitfalls to this technology. I am very proud of this paper, which is in the approximate form of an experience report.

The second is a book chapter called “New Qualitative Methodologies in Virtual Ethnographies: Flash Surveys, Images, and Built-in Translators,” in the book New Media New Society? from Istanbul University Press. I coauthored this piece with Anya Hommadova Lu; we worked together on a massive project that spanned several different pieces. This is the last of those pieces, and it explains some of Anya’s unique methodological tools and how those impact the study of virtual ethnography.

I’m very excited that both of these multi-year projects have come to publication fruition! Thanks to Claire, Eric, and Anya for being perseverant in the face of these long cycles of research and publication.